If you are seeing an error code on your LCD computer, there may be something wrong with your bike. Please see the following codes for help resolving your issue.
VeeGo Fat Tire & 750 Error Codes
Error Code 1
Error code number 1 is not good news. Your controller is most likely finished and will need replacing. Please contact us so we can send you a new controller.
Error Code 2
Your throttle sensor is not working properly. Disconnect the throttle connector and check and see if the error code goes away.
- If it does then please replace your throttle.
- If it does not you may need to replace your controller.
Error Code 5
Number 5 indicates there is an issue with the brake lever sensor. It could be caused by 2 different things...
- You are holding your brake lever while turning the bike on. Make sure to let go of the brakes and restart the bike to see if the error code goes away.
- The cut-off sensor may be sticking or have been damaged. First determine which brake lever is causing the error by disconnecting one of the lever's safety connector. Restart the bike and see if the error code goes away. If it does not check the other level. Replace the faulty brake lever.
Error Code 6
Error 6 is a low voltage warning. There are 2 possible causes.
- This may be caused by a bad connection between your battery and the bike. Make sure the battery pins coming out of the bike are clean, your battery is not loose on the rail, and the pins inside the battery are not damaged.
- If your battery is almost empty and you draw a lot of power, it can cause a low voltage warning. Charge your battery and the problem should go away.
No Error Code
If you are having problems with your VeeGo but are not seeing an error code, please submit a new ticket with as much information as possible.
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