If your bike is not functioning properly with a little trouble shooting it should be possible to determine what the issue is. If you follow this guide and questions it will narrow down the potential causes.
LCD Will Not Turn On
1) Battery key is not turned all of the way clockwise
2) Battery Is not seated all of the way down
3) Battery fuse is loose or blown
4) Loose connector between battery and controller
LCD Turns Off While Riding
If the LCD turns off while riding, the most likely cause is a loss of power between the battery and controller.
To test this theory, you can turn your bike on, and jiggle the battery to see if that will turn the LCD off.
1) Damaged battery pins
If the bottom of the battery is damaged from improper installation, the battery and controller may lose connection.
2) Improperly adjusted battery rail
If the battery is not all the way down, the connection between the battery and controller will disconnect with time as the battery moves.
LCD Is On, Motor Will Not Operate
If the LCD is turning on, but the motor will not operate, the likely problem is unrelated to the battery and controller connection.
Please continue to the next page to start troubleshooting: Bike Doesn't Work - Motor Doesn't Activate
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