In this article we have compiled the most common problems people have with their bicycles, and how to prevent them. We want to make sure after receiving your bike you are able to enjoy it and not have any problems to deal with :)
Installing Battery
Tip 1
We have noticed many customers install their battery in front of their battery rail causing the battery to float in place and potentially damage the connector pins at the bottom of the battery.
While you may not notice any problem while riding your bike at first, eventually the pins will get spread out and your battery will stop working intermittently and eventually not work at all.
It is important that you align the rail that is attached to the bike frame into the back of the battery before sliding the battery down into place.
Tip 2
Make sure battery is all the way down or the key will not turn. You want to push down from the top of the battery with moderate pressure but do not shove the battery or you will damage the pins underneath the battery.
If your key will not turn, check behind the battery rail to make sure lock pin is aligned with slot.
Inserting Charger Plug
Make sure to align your charger plug BEFORE inserting it. We have noticed many people trying to force their charger into the battery when not properly aligned. Over time this could short out the battery or charger.
Inflating Tires when Low
If your tires become too low, the tire bead may become unseated from the rim. If this happens, when you inflate the tire it may start to come off the rim which could not only pinch the tube, but also stretch out the wire bead inside the tire. If this happens your tire is no longer usable and will have to be replaced.
To stop this from occurring, please make sure the tire is centered on the rim (on both sides of the tire) while inflating. You can also lean the bike on the kickstand to take the weight off the tire if the added weight of the rear motor makes it difficult to center the tire.
Battery Unlocked While Traveling
If you do not lock your battery into place, it may bounce up and down while driving down the road causing the pins to become damaged. If this happens you will have a bad connection between the battery and controller and your bike will stop functioning and you will have no idea why!
If you are traveling for long distances, it is best to remove the battery from the bike and bring it inside your vehicle. For shorter distances it is ok to leave the battery on the bike, however, please make sure it is locked in place.
Twisting Handlebars
Twisting your handlebars all of the way around could pull on the wires and cables going into the frame. If this happens you could short out your controller or lighting system. When folding your bicycle make sure the handlebar does not twist excessively and lower the handlebar as much as possible before hand to give the cables extra slack. Please take your time when folding your bike, do not rush the process, and do not force anything.
Supporting Weight on Kickstand
Using the kickstand to support your weight while sitting on the bike could cause it to crack and eventually break. The kickstand is only designed to support the weight of the bike. It may start to crack when overloaded and completely fail at another point in time. It is best to raise your kickstand before you sit on your bike.
Dirty Connectors
If you ride your bike off-road, over time dirt might begin to accumulate around the base of the battery. While this is normally not an issue, if dirt and grime continues to build around the metal connectors (sticking out of the frame when the battery is removed), there will be a bad connection between the bicycle and battery. This could eventually cause the plastic to melt surrounding the connectors and the bike to stop functioning completely. Please keep the contacts clean, which may require using a paper towel and wiping them down every few months with heavy off-road use.
Taking Advice Online
While we know you want to get your bike back up and running as quickly as possible if you have a problem, much of the advise you will find online is incorrect and could cause further damage. It is best to follow our instructions if you do not want to cause further damage that would not be covered by our warranty.
If you do have an issue with one of our bikes, please contact us through our designated help channel!
It is not possible for us to always keep up with all of the places it is possible for you to comment (Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Linkedin, etc). Please contact our designated help department e-mail or call our main phone line. We respond to every issue as quickly as possible, however, if we do not see your message we cannot respond to it.
Phone: 833-4-SCOOZY
Tips regarding communication:
- Many times people will type their e-mail address incorrectly into the contact page form making it impossible to respond to.
- Our responses can be put into your Spam folder, if you do not see a response make sure to check your Spam folder. (and vice versa)
- We are only human and sometimes it may take a few hours to get back to you but we strive to respond to all issues within 1 business day (our standard hours are 9am - 5pm M-F).
- If you do not hear back after 1 business day please contact us again, there is no need to e-mail us multiple times within 1 day and will only make it more difficult to resolve the issue.
- If you do not call the correct number, or do not leave a message, you may not receive a response.
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