Bringing Handlebars Closer
We just got our bikes and they're GREAT! However, my girlfriend could just barely reach the handlebars, they were too far away from her. I found the perfect solution. The part is $19 on amazon. The 1st picture shows the finished product from the top.
Looking at the 2nd picture:
#1 is where the handlebars are originally mounted. Take the screws out of the bracket to release the handlbar.
#2 is the new part. Release the latch on the handlebar stem, slide the stem up and then unscrew the set screw so you can pull the handlebar stem entirely out of the bike. Slide the new part from the bottom all the way up and then put the handlebar stem back into the bike. Secure all screws
#3 is the newly mounted handlebars. Slide the handlbars into the new part, adjust the angle where you want them, and secure all screws.
This all took less than 10 min and the bike is not damaged/changed at all.
Official comment
Hi Richard,
Thanks for the pictures! Looks like a quick and easy way to move the handlebars closer :) I know someone else even went so far to saw off the top part so it doesn't stick up, however, then you wouldn't be able to move them back if you wanted.
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